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Bigfoot Sightings Map


The Bigfoot Research Organization (BFRO): Exploring North America's Elusive Legend

The Bigfoot Research Organization (BFRO) is one of the largest and most active organizations dedicated to the study, documentation, and investigation of Bigfoot sightings and related evidence across North America. Founded in 1995, the BFRO’s mission is to provide a credible, science-based platform for researching and understanding Bigfoot through eyewitness reports, field investigations, and data collection. The BFRO collaborates with researchers, academics, and outdoor experts to advance the study of Bigfoot using a systematic and objective approach.

BFRO's Sightings Map

One of the most popular and useful tools on the BFRO website is its interactive Sightings Map, which offers a comprehensive view of reported Bigfoot encounters across North America. The map allows enthusiasts, researchers, and the general public to access verified reports from witnesses, detailing the locations and circumstances of each sighting.

How to Use the Sightings Map

  1. Navigating the Map:

    • The map is an interactive, user-friendly tool that allows users to zoom in and out on different regions across North America.

    • Users can click on specific points to view more details about individual sightings.

  2. Viewing Sightings by State and County:

    • Select a state or county to view a list of sightings organized by date and location.

    • Each sighting typically includes information on the type of encounter (visual, auditory, or physical evidence like tracks), as well as a narrative from the eyewitness.

  3. Filtering Sightings:

    • The map allows filtering sightings by time period, encounter type, or season. For instance, you can filter by sightings within the last year or search only for visual sightings, making it easier to track trends and patterns in Bigfoot activity.

  4. Reading Detailed Reports:

    • By clicking on a sighting pin, users can read the full report submitted by the witness. These reports often include descriptions of the sighting, behaviors observed, environmental details, and BFRO investigator comments if an investigation followed.

  5. Using Data for Research:

    • Researchers and enthusiasts can use the sightings map to identify hotspots, track migration patterns, or determine seasonal trends.

    • The map also serves as a useful tool for planning field investigations in high-activity areas based on recent or historical sightings.

Contribution and Reporting

The BFRO encourages individuals to report sightings directly through its website. Reports are carefully reviewed by BFRO investigators to ensure credibility before being added to the sightings map. The BFRO’s commitment to rigorous data collection has helped establish its reputation as a reliable resource in cryptozoological research, particularly for those interested in Bigfoot.


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